Parenting Teens in 2025
What's really on the minds of today’s parents? My recent survey reveals that 79% of parents are concerned about social media use, while 70% want help discussing healthy relationships with their teens. Discover what today's parents are struggling with and the resources they're seeking to navigate the complex teen years successfully. From technology boundaries to communication challenges, these findings highlight the evolving landscape of parenting adolescents.
Navigating Safer Sexting
Explore the complexities of sexting among teens, as we address its risks, legal implications, and emotional impacts. Rather than relying on fear tactics, this post emphasizes the importance of open, informed conversations and provides practical harm-reduction strategies and guidance on fostering healthy discussions and helping teens make safer, more informed choices.
Prevention & Intervention for Digital Dating Abuse
Learn how to support teens facing digital dating abuse with actionable prevention and intervention strategies. Explore key concepts like digital relationship rights, boundaries, and safety planning.
What is Digital Dating Abuse?
For teens and young adults, dating violence often extends into online spaces. This post offers a clear overview of digital dating abuse, exploring its definition, warning signs, and examples, while highlighting how technology is used as a tool for control in abusive relationships.
5 Things NOT to do When Teens Start Dating
Navigating teen dating can be tricky! Learn five things NOT to do when a teen starts dating and discover effective ways to support healthy relationships.
LGBTQ+ Youth Spaces
Supporting and affirming LGBTQ+ youth is essential for their mental health and well-being. Research shows that LGBTQ+ young people with supportive adults in their lives and those with accepting environments have lower rates of attempting suicide. Learn 4 strategies for creating affirming spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in school, health care, or other youth-serving space.
What is Adolescence?
Navigating adolescence involves profound physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. Understanding its complexities is crucial for those working with teens and young adults. From puberty's onset to identity formation, autonomy, and risk-taking behaviors, adolescents require tailored support. Better understand adolescence’s importance and learn six tips for working with teens and young adults.
How to Teach Consent to High Schoolers
Expand your healthy relationships tool box with strategies for teaching consent to high schoolers. These engaging tips and activities help young people grasp the nuances of consent, fostering respect and empathy in relationships while preventing violence. These strategies emphasize clear communication and understanding, empowering teens to navigate complexities with confidence.
Easy Check In Questions
Starting a group or a meeting with a quick and easy check in question is a fun way to get your group warmed up and talking. Check out my favorite check in questions that are sure to be a hit with any group of teens or adults!
Recognizing and Supporting Teens in Manipulative Relationships
Dating is a crucial part of teenage development, fostering communication skills and emotional intelligence. However, some teens find themselves in unhealthy, manipulative relationships with long-lasting effects on their well-being. In this blog post, review warning signs of abuse such as isolation and emotional manipulation. Learn strategies to help teens navigate emotionally abusive relationships through a nonjudgmental approach, fostering environments where they can thrive.
How to Combat Compassion Fatigue
Addressing compassion fatigue is crucial for youth-serving professionals. While self-care alleviates immediate concerns, a sustainable solution involves collaborative efforts to dismantle unsustainable systems. Explore effective strategies for combating compassion fatigue in youth-serving professions through addressing both the symptoms and root causes.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Activities
Help teens and young adults navigate dating relationships by engaging in conversations about healthy AND unhealthy behaviors. Utilize these 4 activities that can spark conversation and provide prevention education about teen dating violence. These activities work in classroom settings, therapy groups, and can be adapted for one-on-one.
Healthy Social Media Use
Healthy social media use is a key part of adolescent well-being and development. Explore these 5 positive effects of social media on youth.