Healthy Social Media Use

5 Positive Effects of Social Media on Youth

Headlines about the risks and negative impacts of social media use for adolescents are seemingly everywhere. What these headlines often fail to point out is that research about the direct link between social media use and adverse health outcomes is shaky at best

One of the most significant pitfalls adults face when engaging with young people around social media use is leading with the risks and ignoring the positive aspects. Adults often fail to acknowledge that social media is an integral part of young people’s social lives AND can actually have major benefits for youth. So, before your next conversation about screen time or privacy settings, consider these 5 ways that social media may be having a positive impact on young people. 


Social Media Can Support Identity Development for Youth 

One of the most meaningful ways I have seen young people utilize social media is using it to further develop their own identities. Adolescence is a vital time of self-discovery, which is exciting AND can be difficult, especially for young people with historically marginalized identities. Many young people turn to social media to look for their own identities to be represented and reflected back to them and also to see that they're not alone. Whether it be LGBTQ+ youth, neurodiverse youth, biracial youth, or youth who are first generation in the US - through the power of social media, almost anyone can discover a sense of community based on their identity. 

Young People Create Meaningful Social Connections Online 

Not only is social media a great place to connect with folks with similar identities, but it also creates opportunities for youth to connect with others who have similar interests, especially if those young people have niche interests or live in rural communities. It’s exciting and affirming for young people to connect with those who like the same video game or create the same kind of art. Many of these connections simply aren’t possible IRL (in real life) if peers in their immediate community aren’t interested in the same things.

Social Media Sparks Activism for Teens and Young Adults 

Online spaces are a fantastic way for young people to engage in activism. So often, youth, especially minors, don’t have access to their own transportation or are limited in where their caregivers will allow them to go. Social media gives young people the chance to speak their minds and engage in social and political movements that directly impact their lives. This is a great option, especially for young people who aren’t yet able to vote. (Check out one of my favorite examples from the 2020 election here.) 


Young People Seek Out Information from Social Media 

While it may seem counterintuitive to look for reliable information on social media, it can be a treasure trove of accessible and vital information for teens and young adults. Many young people are more likely to look for the answer to a sexual health question on TikTok or search YouTube for a makeup tutorial. Both of these are totally valid options IF you know how to fact-check your information, catch the disinformation red flags, and build a list of reliable sources. I encourage the young people I work with to check out the account’s credentials and Google them to identify any warning signs. I also advise them to check out more than one source or to go to a website they know and trust to ensure their information is accurate. 

Social Media Makes Important Spaces Accessible for Teens 

Probably the most important benefit of online spaces for young people is accessibility. Teens often have limited access to supportive spaces that benefit them due to lack of transportation, physical disabilities, or other factors. Online spaces often just feel easier and simpler to access. For youth with social anxiety, who are neurodivergent, or who are shy, engaging with people online is a lower-pressure way to form community and build connections. 

Interested in learning more about helping young people navigate social media in a healthy way? Contact me about my most popular training: Positive, Problematic, and Productive Social Media Use


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