Teen Dating Violence 101


Dating and romantic relationships can be a healthy and exciting part of adolescent development. However, there are also possibilities for unhealthy or abusive relationships to develop. This self-paced training will allow participants to better understand the dynamics of intimate partner violence as it applies to teen relationships and will touch on what they can do to support youth who have experienced dating violence.

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Dating and romantic relationships can be a healthy and exciting part of adolescent development. However, there are also possibilities for unhealthy or abusive relationships to develop. This self-paced training will allow participants to better understand the dynamics of intimate partner violence as it applies to teen relationships and will touch on what they can do to support youth who have experienced dating violence.

Dating and romantic relationships can be a healthy and exciting part of adolescent development. However, there are also possibilities for unhealthy or abusive relationships to develop. This self-paced training will allow participants to better understand the dynamics of intimate partner violence as it applies to teen relationships and will touch on what they can do to support youth who have experienced dating violence.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review current research on intimate partner violence as it related to adolescents and young adults

  • Explore ways that various forms of abuse show up in teen relationships

  • Understand how dating violence uniquely impacts LGBTQ+ youth

  • Take away concrete tools and approaches for how to support those impacted by dating violence

  • Touch on ways to have conversations about healthy relationships, consent, and the differences between love and jealousy