Take the Stress out of Social Media
10 Critical Conversations for Talking with Teens about Healthy Social Media Use
Social media continues to be a hot topic for parents and caregivers. Questions like: How much screen time is too much? Is my teen “addicted” to social media? What age should I get my teen a cell phone? are often front of mind. And while there is much conversation about the potential harms of social media, practical strategies for how to help young people have healthy social media use are lacking.
This workshop covers ten critical conversations that parents and caregivers should consider when talking with their teens about social media. Participants will gain key questions and conversation starters to engage youth in the discussion as well as takeaways for setting young people up for success when engaging with technology and social media. This workshop takes a strengths-based and realistic approach to adolescent social media use and participants will be encouraged to partner with the young people in their lives to set realistic boundaries and better understand social media's positive side.
Learning Objectives
As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Describe a strengths-based, tech-positive approach to talking with youth about social media and technology
Understand ten key content areas that are critical to encouraging healthy teen social media use
Apply conversation starters and helpful strategies for developing healthy online behaviors for teens and young adults